Mobile and Voice Application Development

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Voice app development for mobile devices is what is taking businesses into the future

Smartphones were nearing the end of their limits but now they have a voice

Voice Technology and Mobile App Development

Voice technology on our mobile devices has elevated our communication and our ability to multi-task. Using a simple command we are able to perform any number of functions. Voice commands are used more and more for searches, to-do lists, timers, to play music, and many other daily tasks. Most newly released apps include some level of voice technology.

At Palmer Software Consulting, we use the Ionic framework to create mobile apps. Ionic is an open source framework that uses the latest web technologies to create attractive and professional apps. Ionic is a cross-platform application, which gives you a mobile app and a web app at the same time.

Customize the Consumer Experience

We can help you take your business to the next level by creating a custom mobile app with voice technology. We will work with you to design an app that will make your services accessible to consumers through a voice command or a tap of the screen.

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